ชุดทดสอบ IDvet สำหรับสุกร
Actinobacillus Pleuropneumoniae (APP)
ID Screen® APP Screening Indirect (serotypes 1 through 12) [APPS-2P, APPS-10P]
ID Screen® APP 1-9-11 Indirect [APPS1-9-11-2P]
Positive freeze-dried porcine serum [MRI-APP-1-9-11]
ID Screen® APP 2 Indirect [APPS2-2P]
Positive freeze-dried porcine serum [MRI-APP-2]
ID Screen® APP 3-6-8 Indirect [APPS3-6-8-2P]
Positive freeze-dried porcine serum [MRI-APP-3-6-8]
ID Screen® APP 4-7 Indirect [APPS4-7-2P]
Positive freeze-dried porcine serum [MRI-APP-4-7]
ID Screen® APP 5 Indirect [APPS5-2P]
Positive freeze-dried porcine serum [MRI-APP-5]
ID Screen® APP 10 Indirect [APPS10-2P]
Positive freeze-dried porcine serum [MRI-APP-10]
ID Screen® APP 12 Indirect [APPS12-2P]
Positive freeze-dried porcine serum [MRI-APP-12]
Negative freeze-dried porcine serum (for use with all APP ELISAs) [MRINEG-APP]
African Swine Fever (ASF)
ID Screen® African Swine Fever Competition [ASFC-2P, ASFC-5P]
ID Screen® African Swine Fever Indirect – Screening test [ASFS-2P, ASFS-5P]
ID Screen® African Swine Fever Indirect – Confirmation test [ASFB-5P]
ID Screen® ASF Oral Fluids [ASFOFB-2P]
Positive freeze-dried porcine serum [MRI-ASF]
Aujeszky’s Disease (ADV) / Pseudorabies Virus (PRV)
ID Screen® Aujeszky gB Competition [AUJESZKYGB-5P]
Positive freeze-dried serum from a vaccinated pig [MRI-AUJGB]
ID Screen® Aujeszky gE Competition [AUJESZKYGE-5P, AUJESZKYGE-10P]
Positive freeze-dried serum from a naturally-infected pig [MRI-AUJGE]
Negative freeze-dried porcine serum for use with Aujeszky gB and gE ELISAs [MRINEG-AUJ]
ID Screen® Brucellosis Serum Indirect Multi-species [BRUS-MS-5P, BRUS-MS-10P]
ID Screen® Brucella suis Indirect [BRUSUISB-2P, BRUSUISB-5P]
Positive freeze-dried porcine serum [MRI-BRU-SUIS]
Brucella suis false positive freeze-dried porcine serum [MRI-BRU-SUIS-FP]
Negative freeze-dried porcine serum [MRINEG-BRU-SUIS]
Negative freeze-dried porcine serum [MRINEG-BRU-SUIS]
Classical Swine Fever (CSF)
ID Screen® Classical Swine Fever E2 Competition [CSFE2C-5P]
Positive freeze-dried porcine serum [MRI-CSFE2]
Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)
ID Screen® FMD NSP Competition [FMDNSPC-5P, FMDNSPC-10P]
ID Screen® FMD Type O Competition [FMDOC-5P, FMDOC-10P]
ID Screen® FMD Type Asia1 Competition [FMDASIAC-5P, FMDASIAC-10P]
Hepatitis E
ID Screen® Hepatitis E Indirect Multi-species [HEVB-MS-4P]
Positive freeze-dried porcine serum [MRI-HEV]
Influenza A
ID Screen® Influenza A Antibody Competition Multi-species [FLUACA-2P, FLUACA-5P, FLUACA-10P]
ID Screen® Influenza A Nucleoprotein Swine Indirect [FLUNPS-SW-5P, FLUNPS-SW-10P]
Mycobacterium avium
ID Screen® Mycobacterium avium Multi-species [MA-MS-4P]
Positive freeze-dried porcine serum [MRI-MA]
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae [MHYOPC-2P, MHYOPC-5P, MHYOPC-10P]
Positive freeze-dried porcine serum [MRI-MHYOP]
Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV)
ID Screen® PEDV Indirect [PEDVS-5P]
Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS)
ID Screen® PRRS Indirect [PRRSS-5P]
Positive freeze-dried porcine serum [MRI-PRRS-EU/US]
Swine Vesicular Disease (SVD)
ID Screen® Swine Vesicular Disease Competition [SVDC-4P]
Positive freeze-dried porcine serum [MRI-SVD]
ID Screen® Toxoplasmosis Indirect Multi-species [TOXOS-MS-2P]
Positive freeze-dried porcine serum [MRI-TOXO]
Negative freeze-dried porcine serum [MRINEG-TOXO]
ID Screen® Trichinella Indirect Multi-species [TRICHIS-MS-2P]
Positive freeze-dried porcine serum [MRI-TRICHI]
Negative freeze-dried porcine serum [MRINEG-TRICHI]
Various Porcine Diseases (Consult us)
Negative freeze-dried porcine serum [MRINEG-PORC]
PCR Test Kits
African Swine Fever (ASF)
ID Gene™ African Swine Fever Duplex (IDASF-50, IDASF-100)
ID Gene™ African Swine Fever Triplex (IDASFTRI-50, IDASFTRI-100)
ID Screen™ African Swine Fever Exogenous Duplex (IDASFEXO-100)
Freeze-dried positive extraction control for use with the liquid format of the kit (PEC-ASF)
Covid-19 / SARS-CoV-2
ID Gene™ SARS-COV-2 Duplex (IDCOV2-50, IDCOV2-100)
Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS)
ID Gene™ PRRSV Triplex (IDPRRSV-50, IDPRRSV-100)
Freeze-dried positive extraction control (PEC-PRRSV)
ID Gene™ Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex Duplex (IDTUB-50, IDTUB-100)
Freeze-dried positive extraction control (PEC-TUB)
ชุดทดสอบ IDvet สำหรับสัตว์ปีก
Avian Encephalomyelitis Virus (AEV)
ID Screen® AEV Indirect (AEVS-5P, AEVS-10P)
Avian Metapneumovirus (AMPV)
ID Screen® Avian Metapneumovirus Indirect (MPVS-5P, MPVS-10P)
Egg Drop Syndrome ‘76 (EDS)
ID Screen® EDS Indirect (EDS-5P, EDS-10P)
Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV)
ID Screen® Infectious Bronchitis Indirect (IBVS-5P, IBVS-10P)
ID Screen® Infectious Bronchitis Competition (IBVC-2P)
Infectious bursal Disease (IBD) (Gumboro Disease)
ID Screen® IBD Indirect (IBDS-5P, IBDS-10P)
ID Screen® IBD VP2 for HVT-VP2 vector vaccine monitoring (IBDVP2-5P, IBDVP2-10P)
Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT)
ID Screen® ILT Indirect (ILTS-5P, ILTS-10P)
ID Screen® ILT gI Indirect for rHVT-gI vector vaccine monitoring (ILTGIS-5P, ILTGIS-10P)
ID Screen® ILT gB Indirect for FP-ILTgB vector vaccine monitoring (ILTGBS-5P, ILTGBS-10P)
Influenza A
ID Screen® Influenza A Nucleoprotein Indirect (FLUNPS-5P, FLUNPS-10P)
ID Screen® Influenza H9 Indirect (FLUH9S-5P, FLUH9S-10P)
ID Screen® Influenza A Antigen Capture (INFLAG-2P)
ID Screen® Influenza A Antibody Competition Multi-species (FLUACA-2P, FLUACA-5P, FLUACA-10P)
ID Screen® Influenza H5 Antibody Competition (FLUACH5-2P, FLUACH5-5P)
ID Screen® Influenza H7 Antibody Competition (FLUACH7-2P, FLUACH7-5P)
ID Screen® Influenza H9 Antibody Competition (FLUACH9-2P, FLUACH9-5P)
Ready-to-use positive chicken serum pool (use with FLUNPS, H9S) (MRI-FLUS-RTU)
Ready-to-use positive chicken serum pool (use with FLUACA, H5, H7, H9) (MRI-FLUC-RTU)
Avian Leukosis
ID Screen® ALV Antigen Capture (ALVAG-5P, ALVAG-10P)
ID Screen® Mycoplasma gallisepticum Indirect (MG-5P, MG-10P)
ID Screen® Mycoplasma synoviae Indirect (MS-5P, MS-10P)
ID Screen® MG/MS Indirect (MG/MS-5P, MG/MS-10P)
ID Screen® Mycoplasma meleagridis Indirect (MM-5P, MM-10P)
Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV)
ID Screen® Newcastle Disease Nucleoprotein Indirect (NDVNP-5P, NDVNP-10P)
ID Screen® Newcastle Disease Indirect for HVT-NDV vector vaccine monitoring (NDVS-5P, NDVS-10P)
ID Screen® Newcastle Disease Indirect Conventional Vaccines (NDVS-CV-5P, NDVS-CV-10P)
ID Screen® Newcastle Disease Competition (NDVC-2P, NDVC-5P, NDVC-10P)
Ornithobacterium Rhinotracheale (ORT)
ID Screen® ORT Indirect (ORTS-5P)
Ready-to-use positive serum C (MRIPOS-BIRD-RTU-C)
Pasteurella Multocida
ID Screen® Pasteurella multocida Chicken and Turkey Indirect (PMS-CHICK-5P, PMS-CHICK-10P)
ID Screen® Pasteurella multocida Duck Indirect (PMS-DUCK-5P, PMS-DUCK-10P)
Avian Reovirus (REO)
ID Screen® Avian Reovirus Indirect (REOS-5P, REOS-10P)
ID Screen® Avian salmonella Indirect – Groups B and D (SALS-5P, SALS-10P)
ID Screen® Avian salmonella Indirect – Group D (SALSGPD-5P, SALSGPD-10P)
Avian Toxoplasmosis
ID Screen® Avian Toxoplasmosis Indirect (TOXOS-AV-5P, TOXOS-AV-10P)
West Nile Virus
ID Screen® West Nile Competition Multi-species (WNC-1P, WNC-2P)
PCR Test Kits
Influenza A
ID Gene™ Influenza A Duplex (IDFLUA-50, IDFLUA-100)
ID Gene™ Influenza A Multi-species Duplex (IDFLUA-MS-50, IDFLUA-MS-100)
Freeze-dried positive extraction control (PEC-FLUA)
ID Gene™ Influenza H9 Lineage G1-like Duplex (IDFLUH9G1-50, IDFLUH9G1-100)
Freeze-dried positive extraction control (PEC-FLUH9)
Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IB)
ID Gene™ Infectious Bronchitis Duplex (IDIBV-50, IDIBV-100)
Freeze-dried positive extraction control (PEC-IBV)
Mycoplasma gallisepticum (Mg) /Mycoplasma synoviae (Ms)
ID Gene™ MG/MS Triplex Liquid format (IDMGMS-50, IDMGMS-100)
ID Gene™ MG/MS Triplex Freeze-dried format (IDMGMS-50FD, IDMGMS-100FD)
Direct lysis buffer (DLB-500)
Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV)
ID Gene™ Newcastle Disease Duplex (IDNDV-50, IDNDV-100)
Freeze-dried positive extraction control (PEC-NDV)
ชุดทดสอบ IDvet สำหรับสัตว์เคี้ยวเอื้อง
ELISA Test Kits
ID Screen® Akabane Competition [AKAC-4P. AKAC-10P]
Positive freeze-dried ovine serum [MRI-AKA]
ID Screen® Besnoitia Indirect 2.0 [BSNTB-4P, BSNTB-10P]
Positive freeze-dried bovine serum [MRI-BSNT]
ID Screen® Besnoitia Milk Indirect [BSNTBMILK-5P, BSNTBMILK-10P]
Positive freeze-dried bovine milk [MRI-BSNTMILK]
Negative freeze-dried bovine milk [MRINEG-BSNTMILK]
ID Screen® BHV-2 Indirect [BHV2S-2P, BHV2S-4P]
Positive freeze-dried bovine serum [MRI-BHV2]
ID Screen® BHV-4 Indirect [BHV4S-2P]
Monoclonal antibody [MAB-BHV4]
Positive freeze-dried bovine serum [MRI-BHV4]
ID Screen® Bluetongue Competition [BTC-5P, BTC-10P]
Positive freeze-dried bovine serum [MRI-BT]
ID Screen® Bluetongue Milk Indirect [BTSMILK-4P]
Positive freeze-dried bovine milk [MRI-BTMILK]
PCR Test Kits
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